Portfolio for Eric Kidd
Here are a few things that I’ve worked on:
- Some of my more popular blog posts, including some neat Haskell and Ruby tricks, lots of probability, and a selection of other topics.
- My open source software projects, including a hybrid 2D/3D multimedia engine based on Cairo, Quake 2 and Scheme, as well as some real world code samples and few personal projects.
I also have two technical papers which might be of interest:
- Build your own probability monads. This explains how to represent Bayes’ rule in a programming language. I also wrote a series of blog posts on the subject.
- Efficient compression of generic function dispatch tables. A programming language can support both multiple inheritence and runtime operator overloading based on multiple arguments. The algorithms for this are surprisingly good.
You can find my résumé on LinkedIn.
You’re welcome to contact me. I love hearing from people.